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macrumors member
Original poster
May 12, 2009
My universal remotes blu tooth just took a dump on me. Now I'm in the market for a new one. My components I currently have are a cable box, ps3, atv2 and a Sony reciever. Does anyone have any remote suggestions for these components? I'm not trying to break the bank either. Thanks guys.
My universal remotes blu tooth just took a dump on me. Now I'm in the market for a new one. My components I currently have are a cable box, ps3, atv2 and a Sony reciever. Does anyone have any remote suggestions for these components? I'm not trying to break the bank either. Thanks guys.

I have a Harmony 550 that I got for around $40 a year or so ago. Controls my ATV, Yamaha reciever, Pioneer DVD burner, Westinghouse HDTV and DirecTV HD box. Any Harmony remote will be a good investment.

I must say that I am confused about your 'blu tooth' comment. My remote certainly does not have it, nor would I imagine you need it to control the devices you list. :confused:
I must say that I am confused about your 'blu tooth' comment. My remote certainly does not have it, nor would I imagine you need it to control the devices you list. :confused:

The PS3 remote is Bluetooth, not IR. I personally am not familiar with a universal remote that has Bluetooth built in. I use the Harmony 750 and the Harmony PS3 converter that takes the IR signal and turns it into a Bluetooth command for the PS3 to use (the converter is a $60 purchase by itself)
I think i might go with the harmony 650 and the ps3 adapter. Amazon sells the pair for 118 usd.
The PS3 remote is Bluetooth, not IR. I personally am not familiar with a universal remote that has Bluetooth built in.

I did not know that. One learns something new every day. I know of wifi remotes, just not BlueTooth.

That sucks...especially in a situation like this where it adds a lot to the price to replace.

Are they the only device that uses BlueTooth for a remote? I have never heard of such a thing, but it certainly goes along with the ususal proprietary, let's-do-things-our-own-incompatible-way that Sony is famous for. :mad:
I use a Harmony One.

It's a great remote - easy to program, nice touch screen and can also learn commands from odd remotes (Roku - i'm looking at you :) )

Any Harmony remote is a good bet.
L5 or red-eye mini, turn your iphone into a universal remote.

I have the L5, and its pretty cool. I have all of my rooms setup on my phone and can switch to whatever one im in.

redeye has another product to take a wifi signal and turn it into IR.
I use a Harmony One.

It's a great remote - easy to program, nice touch screen and can also learn commands from odd remotes (Roku - i'm looking at you :) )

Any Harmony remote is a good bet.

I have one as well and couldn't be happier. The software makes it so easy to set up activities based around any combination of your components.
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