Hi all,
I'm in my final year of studying and I have to do a (roughly 6 month project - about 1/4 of my final year marks. Also bare in mind 70% of those marks are actually from the final report I write.) on something, so I thought why not try app development.
On the surface it's a to do list app, but to make things more interesting for every task a person completes they get xp and can level up (so it's like a game that should help you become more productive).
Though there wouldn't just be fixed amounts of xp for each item done, instead it will understand what you write for each particular task on the list and assign it xp depending on how small, big or productive a task was.
Now I have no experience of objective c, but I have done some C/C++ and a fair amount of Java so how hard would something like this be to build?
Also things like notifications and reminders, how hard are they to implement?
Also iCloud and iPhone/iPad compatible apps (so the lists would sync)?
I also like the idea of integrating with game center so you can get achievements and have friends or just log in with facebook and have a facebook friends list.
The idea still isn't fully fleshed out and I never plan on trying to release it into the app store.
Thoughts? Would this be manageable for a newbie?
I'm in my final year of studying and I have to do a (roughly 6 month project - about 1/4 of my final year marks. Also bare in mind 70% of those marks are actually from the final report I write.) on something, so I thought why not try app development.
On the surface it's a to do list app, but to make things more interesting for every task a person completes they get xp and can level up (so it's like a game that should help you become more productive).
Though there wouldn't just be fixed amounts of xp for each item done, instead it will understand what you write for each particular task on the list and assign it xp depending on how small, big or productive a task was.
Now I have no experience of objective c, but I have done some C/C++ and a fair amount of Java so how hard would something like this be to build?
Also things like notifications and reminders, how hard are they to implement?
Also iCloud and iPhone/iPad compatible apps (so the lists would sync)?
I also like the idea of integrating with game center so you can get achievements and have friends or just log in with facebook and have a facebook friends list.
The idea still isn't fully fleshed out and I never plan on trying to release it into the app store.
Thoughts? Would this be manageable for a newbie?