So I got some more questions so what does the words BSD, API and POISX mean?
BSD = Berkley Software Distribution, a Unix operating system developed at UC Berkley
API = Application Programming Interface, this defines structures, functions, etc. to be used to interact with a piece of software, oftentimes an OS or a subsystem of an OS. It defines the way in which other programmers can exploit the functionality provided by the OS.
POSIX = Portable Operating System Interface for Unix, a bit broader than this, but basically a blanket/standard API for programming on Unix-like systems.
So what do you guys mean when you say Os X was simply built on top of Unix, because I thought that the Unix was the operating system and the form of Unix is called Os X?
The basis for OS X was a combination of the NeXTStep operating system (for high-level APIs, etc.) and BSD(for most of the OS underpinings), with a kernel called XNU that was also developed for NeXTStep. It is a hybrid between the BSD kernel and the Mach microkernel. OS X is Unix and is UNIX(tm) (for limited versions on limited hardware). When people say it is built "on top", this is because there's a lot of high-level functionality added in OS X to provide a user-friendly windowing system, a number of programmer-friendly APIs for programming the system that are not standard and not present on other Unix systems,etc.
So also when you guys say there are systems that are Unix/Unix like there can be an Os that fits or comes close to the Unix specs. and considered to be Unix like?
Linux means "Linux is not Unix". It is not a traditional Unix, but is Unix-like in my opinion because it implements much of POSIX (all? not really sure), it uses similar permissions structures, "traditions", etc. If someone was familiar with Unix, Linux would not be a totally different world. This is the reason I say Unix-like. There's also confusion with the trademark UNIX, so saying "-like" can help curb that. There are many systems that one might not readily identify as Unix (OS X is one), so using Unix-like as a blanket for OSs that are Unix or are built on it, etc. seems best.
Also who truly owns Unix right now is it the Open Group, Novell, etc. or is it a group of companies that own it or parts of it?
The link i posted last was on a site that has all sorts of information about this. Here's the membership list:
And Lee what did you mean when you said "There are a number of tools that are considered standard on a Unix system, but these aren't part of the OS itself"?
For example, grep is not part of Unix. It's just a tool. I would be very sad if i logged on to a system and didn't have it or one of its offspring available. There are "things" that people just expect to be there. head, tail, awk, vi(m), cat, ls, wc, od, etc. are things that tend to be on a Unix-like system, but these are tools. They happen to run on Unix systems, but a system would still work without them. I guess i could equate it to calc.exe on Windows. Is a system still Windows without it? Sure, but it's a tool people assume "comes with" the OS.