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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 30, 2021
Hey people, I’ve seen lately people receiving notifications about unknown devices detected near them, but no one’s got an AirTag and no AirTag or anything else like from Belkin or whatever was found nearby when they looked. Plus, they’ve got their Bluetooth off all the time, and when pressing the notification nothing happens. has anyone else seen it? Is it a bug or something, or should we worry? F981813A-7AF0-4D3D-9308-C6DDDF5AB263.jpeg


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
My girlfriend's mom got the same notification while I was with her. we found nothing listed in find my or when checking the info for the tracking device. Just said not able to list info at this time.. I deleted the notification and it never returned.. I'd say it was a random bug from the way it acted
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