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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 13, 2007
Yorba Linda, CA
I jailbreaked my 1st gen iphone and everything went fine but I also want to unlock it so my wife can use it on t-mobile. I can go back into quickpwn check the unlock button and everything seems to go ok but at the end when I put in the t-mobile sim it says Different sim card detected please plug into itunes. When I plug into itunes it says you cant use iphone with this sim. I think I am doing everthing correct. I have the right bootloaders installed and at the end I loaded bootneuter and re flashed it but still no go. I noticed some people are having the same problem but have not seen a fix yet. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

I jailbreaked my 1st gen iphone and everything went fine but I also want to unlock it so my wife can use it on t-mobile. I can go back into quickpwn check the unlock button and everything seems to go ok but at the end when I put in the t-mobile sim it says Different sim card detected please plug into itunes. When I plug into itunes it says you cant use iphone with this sim. I think I am doing everthing correct. I have the right bootloaders installed and at the end I loaded bootneuter and re flashed it but still no go. I noticed some people are having the same problem but have not seen a fix yet. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

PS I know this is the wrong forum but nobody answers at the hacks forum.
itunes is trying to activate your phone and that is why it is not working.

If I was you I would make a new custom firmware using winpwn/pwnagetool select unlock and activate and then restore and it will work.
qwkpwn will NOT unlock your iPhone, I know it says it but it wont (diddnt with me anyways). get winpwn!
Yes it is.

It has a wizard mode.

I have also written a FAQ in the hacks forum but I have no updated it yet to include the new wizard version winpwn. Just download it and follow the instructions.


QuickPwn does let you unlock the phone as well - try it again.
Regardless of how what method you think you are using, ALL UNLOCKING IS DONE VIA BOOTNEUTER

1) Make sure your phone is fully charged
2) Download BootNeuter from Cydia
3) Set Autolock to NEVER
4) Open BootNeuter
5) Set NEUTER and UNLOCK to on, leaving FB at off and your BL where it is

eg if you had a 4.6 BL phone, it should look like

6) Press FLASH
7) Don't touh it until finished
8) Enjoy T-Mobile

Regardless of how what method you think you are using, ALL UNLOCKING IS DONE VIA BOOTNEUTER

1) Make sure your phone is fully charged
2) Download BootNeuter from Cydia
3) Set Autolock to NEVER
4) Open BootNeuter
5) Set NEUTER and UNLOCK to on, leaving FB at off and your BL where it is

eg if you had a 4.6 BL phone, it should look like

6) Press Flash
7) Don't touh it until finished
8) Enjoy T-Mobile


When I do that bootneuyer says "nothing to do your choices already match current settings so there is no need to flash". But t-mobile sim does not work. I don't get it. I already re did it from clean restore but still t-mobile sim won't work.
I already told you what was wrong!

I have written FAQs on this so ignoring me is silly!

If iTunes is telling you the SIM is NOT valid then it is simple the phone is not activated.

iTunes will only activate SIMs that are official iPhone SIMs!

You need to activate your iPhone.

It seems that quickpwn for whatever reason is NOT activating your iPhone.

So you have 2 options.

1. Delete quickpwn and redownload and reinstall it and try again and it MAY fix the problem.

2. Download Pwnagetool for Mac (Or find a 2.1 custom firmware on torrent sites if your on PC as winpwn is not up to date for 2.1) and then restore with that.

QuickPWN should activate your phone as well so delete it and download it again first and then try it again.
I already told you what was wrong!

I have written FAQs on this so ignoring me is silly!

If iTunes is telling you the SIM is NOT valid then it is simple the phone is not activated.

iTunes will only activate SIMs that are official iPhone SIMs!

You need to activate your iPhone.

It seems that quickpwn for whatever reason is NOT activating your iPhone.

So you have 2 options.

1. Delete quickpwn and redownload and reinstall it and try again and it MAY fix the problem.

2. Download Pwnagetool for Mac (Or find a 2.1 custom firmware on torrent sites if your on PC as winpwn is not up to date for 2.1) and then restore with that.

QuickPWN should activate your phone as well so delete it and download it again first and then try it again.

Sorry, but you've derailed somehere...

If he can use BootNeuter than obiously the phone is already activated.

The problem is with the phone recognising the sim.

No idea.
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