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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 6, 2008
I know it's stupid but, iclairfied said that a unlock is impossible on 3g 2.2.1 with at&t. Wouldn't it work anyway since the phone is already on the network?
Yea, you can jailbreak 2.2.1 and everything's fine, But i think you can downgrade your baseband even if you updated to 2.2.1
You can jailbreak no problem, you cannot software unlock. You can unlock with turbo sim.
ok since no one responed to my last post i tried to downgrade with no luck, so i winged it and just jailbroke it. and the phone is fine now with AT&T, i know it wouldnt work on tmobile, i was curious about AT&T happy now though:D
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