you need to follow the instructions
here and re-enable dfu mode that way. And then do the pwnage. After your device is jailbroken, you need to open up cydia and download yellowsn0w to unlock your phone.
re able dfu mode, i dont understand what you mean by that, before i did this my iphone was already jailbroken and pwned. Just on firmware 2.1
OK i am a little confused myself now as well.
I wanted to upgrade the other day as i have been with the jail-braking and unlocking community for 2 years or so. i believe i had firmware 2.1 or something. i downloaded 2.2.1 via itunes then used pwnage tool to create a custom ipsw.
when i got to the dfu mode part, it said i successfully entered dfu mode in pwnage, however then itunes would give me some error message. So i decided to attempt to put it into dfu mode myself, i dont think i did i cant remmeber if the screen was all black or not, but i said screw this and itunes said it was in restore mode. So i installed the custom 2.2.1 ipsw, when i have like a 2.1 baseband or something.
Point is everything is working amazing great, could not be better! No tiny issue i have is with yellowsnow. OK i installed it thinking it should work with 2.2.1 after reading the dev team blog site right. Well it does not seem to work with my tmobile sim card. However with my gevey plus version 1 sim card the phone is unlock and works perfectly.
Now this could be because i need to take out my tmobile sim and put it in a tmobile phone then back in the iphone sense its been with the gevey sim for so long. It forgets its a tmobile sim or something it happens happened before.
or i f$%#% something up and the older base band from 2.1 because i never updated to 2.2 has something to do with it.
but my phone is working great the best it ever has.
So i think what that one guy said might be right about " not having to put the iphone into dfu mode, because itunes says its in recovery mode anyway, i mean if your phone is already pwned like mine.
DFU mode gottta love it, i had a broken iphoe 3g a while back and it broke so i took it in to be repaired. the phone was not in my name as i use tmobile i bought it off some creepy guy. LOL but one of the apple genius was a young dude like myself and i mentioned DFU mode and other jail-breaking **** by accident. He was so dam cool about it, he went into the computer system changed the name registered to the iphone ( some arab name) to my name and gave me a brand new iphone 3g and started the warranty from that day foreword. SO it does not matter im on tmobile anymore i cal go to the apple store or call and its registered to me and if its not activated i just say because its not working. lol its great.