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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 23, 2009
I'm getting alittle confused trying to search about these forums...i have a 3g phone jb/unlocked with yellowsn0w...i'm just curious if it's safe yet to update my fw, or will that lock me back up? i noticed yesterday my version of yellowsn0w updated, so i wasn't sure if that meant it was safe now....also i my phones been getting a bit buggy and i'd like to "rejailbreak" it, but how do i do that without updating to the new firmware?
I'm getting alittle confused trying to search about these forums...i have a 3g phone jb/unlocked with yellowsn0w...i'm just curious if it's safe yet to update my fw, or will that lock me back up? i noticed yesterday my version of yellowsn0w updated, so i wasn't sure if that meant it was safe now....also i my phones been getting a bit buggy and i'd like to "rejailbreak" it, but how do i do that without updating to the new firmware?

everything you need to know.
ok so i take it as longs as i update but keep baseband i'm ok...but i'm alittle confused with this here...

GOLDEN RULE: If you have a 3G iPhone running 2.2 firmware and you want to keep your ability to use yellowns0w (or the option to use it in the future) do NOT use QuickPwn, and do not use the official ipsw or the iTunes update process without using PwnageTool.

now correct me if i'm wrong, but pwangetool is for mac only right? what if i'm running windows? i have quickpwn, but it says i can't update using that right? sorry i think i'm kinda confusing myself here...:confused:
ok so i take it as longs as i update but keep baseband i'm ok...but i'm alittle confused with this here...

GOLDEN RULE: If you have a 3G iPhone running 2.2 firmware and you want to keep your ability to use yellowns0w (or the option to use it in the future) do NOT use QuickPwn, and do not use the official ipsw or the iTunes update process without using PwnageTool.

now correct me if i'm wrong, but pwangetool is for mac only right? what if i'm running windows? i have quickpwn, but it says i can't update using that right? sorry i think i'm kinda confusing myself here...:confused:

You are correct with everything you said. If you are worried about keeping your iphone unlocked, then you need to wait until the dev team releases a version of yellowsn0w that is compatible with the new baseband, so you can still use quickpwn. But if you really want to update to 2.2.1 right now and not wait, then you need to find a friend with a mac and have them make you a custom ipsw, or you can also with a google search find already pwned 2.2.1 iphone 3g firmwares without the baseband update, and you can download that and then do an option+restore in itunes to get it to a jailbroken 2.2.1
That's fine i'll wait. But I have one more question. I'd like to do a fresh restore and rejailbreak because of memory drain. Now if hook it upto iTunes and hit the restore button, that will just restore it with the original 2.2 I have on there now right? Or will the restore button also update it as well? Or do I do a restore right from pwnage? And speaking of pwn, when I rejailbreak it how do I increase the size of the drive space for apps?
That's fine i'll wait. But I have one more question. I'd like to do a fresh restore and rejailbreak because of memory drain. Now if hook it upto iTunes and hit the restore button, that will just restore it with the original 2.2 I have on there now right? Or will the restore button also update it as well? Or do I do a restore right from pwnage? And speaking of pwn, when I rejailbreak it how do I increase the size of the drive space for apps?

You can re use pwnage tool if you want, as long as you still have have the 2.2 file. But if you are using pwnage tool you might as well get the updated version for 2.2.1 and use that. It will prevent the baseband update, and still allow yellowsn0w usage. If you use expert mode on pwnage tool you can change the size of the partition used for apps. But I don't think it matters, because if it is full it will just use the other partition I believe. Also I'm not sure but I would avoid using a plain restore in iTunes because since there is 2.2.1 it will probably restore to that.
You can re use pwnage tool if you want, as long as you still have have the 2.2 file. But if you are using pwnage tool you might as well get the updated version for 2.2.1 and use that. It will prevent the baseband update, and still allow yellowsn0w usage. If you use expert mode on pwnage tool you can change the size of the partition used for apps. But I don't think it matters, because if it is full it will just use the other partition I believe. Also I'm not sure but I would avoid using a plain restore in iTunes because since there is 2.2.1 it will probably restore to that.
Actually I apologize I meant to say quickpwn is what I have no pwntools. So ur saying do a restore thru quickpwn instead of iTunes. Is there an expert section in the quickpwn as well?
Actually I apologize I meant to say quickpwn is what I have no pwntools. So ur saying do a restore thru quickpwn instead of iTunes. Is there an expert section in the quickpwn as well?

DON'T use quickpwn. Because your device would have to be updated to the new 2.2.1 through itunes first (which would break yellowsnow). There is no expert mode on quickpwn. If you are using a mac you can get pwnage tool, but if you are using a pc you are out of luck.
DON'T use quickpwn. Because your device would have to be updated to the new 2.2.1 through itunes first (which would break yellowsnow). There is no expert mode on quickpwn. If you are using a mac you can get pwnage tool, but if you are using a pc you are out of luck.

Ok for safetys sake I won't do a restore on the phone till quickpwn and yellowsn0w are updated. Thanks for the advice
DON'T use quickpwn. Because your device would have to be updated to the new 2.2.1 through itunes first (which would break yellowsnow). There is no expert mode on quickpwn. If you are using a mac you can get pwnage tool, but if you are using a pc you are out of luck.

I'm in a similar boat and confused as well. If my phone is on 2.2 and i have quickpwn, why can't I JB it with that? It's the same as when 2.2.1 wasn't out right? Doesn't QP just do an in-place JB of the existing firmware on the phone?
I'm in a similar boat and confused as well. If my phone is on 2.2 and i have quickpwn, why can't I JB it with that? It's the same as when 2.2.1 wasn't out right? Doesn't QP just do an in-place JB of the existing firmware on the phone?

If you are on 2.2 it is fine because yellowsn0w works with the baseband that comes with 2.2. For quickpwn to work for 2.2.1 you would have to update your iphone first through itunes, and then use quickpwn. But you can't do that because updating to stock 2.2.1 updates the baseband and makes the current version of yellowsn0w not function.
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