I'm selling my 2g iPhone on craigslist, and I have a buyer who wants to unlock it for use on T-Mobile. I've always used my phone on AT&T with no desire to unlock it. I told him that an unlock with the 2g was possible, but I just want to make sure before I sell it to him.
Forgive me for asking this if it has already been answered, but how would somebody go to unlock a 2g iPhone on 2.2.1? I've read some that says you have to downgrade the baseband, but no instructions on how to do it.
Any help would be appreciated
Forgive me for asking this if it has already been answered, but how would somebody go to unlock a 2g iPhone on 2.2.1? I've read some that says you have to downgrade the baseband, but no instructions on how to do it.
Any help would be appreciated