So letely I have made the decision to swtich from my iphone 3g into a more reliable device, Ive had mine for months and have had to have it replaced twice already so im fed up with the poor quality build of the iphone (and for all you who will critisize me I take VERY good care of my phones)
I know if i sell an unlocked Iphone 3g it can fetch a pretty penny but Ive also heard that using the yellowsn0w unlock and then selling it can be unlawful. So what is the most efficient way to sell my iphone (16gb) and make the most ammound of cash to pay for my new phone?
Thanks ~bazookafx3
I know if i sell an unlocked Iphone 3g it can fetch a pretty penny but Ive also heard that using the yellowsn0w unlock and then selling it can be unlawful. So what is the most efficient way to sell my iphone (16gb) and make the most ammound of cash to pay for my new phone?
Thanks ~bazookafx3