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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 9, 2009
I am starting a list of sore losers on UNO.

In online mulitiplayer mode, when the person who opened the room exits the game prematurely, the game in progress ends with network error. There has been a number of players who exits the game when they are about to lose and thus prevent the other player from winning and getting the point credit. This is poor sportsmanship and should not be encouraged.

This is happening more and more frequently and I've made note for myself the players who has done this in the past but thought it would benefit others who also enjoy UNO to know who some of these players are and make informed decidion as whether they want to participate in the same game with these players.

This list will allow people to report when someone cheats the game and prevented fair play.

To start, here is one:

Player name: D3V1L
date/time: 4/13/2009 approx 11:45 PM EST


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2009
Denver, CO
complain to development company

I have nothing against a sore loser list, but seems like the company ought to fix this programmatically somehow. I don't play this game online, but I've played the regular card game.

The game should be fixed so that any player can forfeit when they leave the game and not be affected by the player who started the game.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 9, 2009
I have complained to the company. However it's pretty clear to me that they are more interested in developing new apps which is more lurative than fixing existing apps. This game is buggy as hell especially the online mode, but there had not been any updates since the game was released last year and I am not holding my breath waiting for one.
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