Forgot to mention, once you upgrade the firmware to 1.1.3 and attempt to downgrade back to 1.1.2 or lower (i've taken it back down to 1.0.0), the baseband from firmware 1.1.3 is still there. In firmwares 1-1.0.2, you can kick it out of recovery mode, but the phone does not recognize the Turbo Sim. The third party applicator can still be installed, but your left with an ipod.
In versions 1.1.1-1.1.2, the phone will not kick out of recovery mode or do anything. I'm not an ATT user, so i just wound up buying a new iphone and putting the other one on ebay to see if I can make up for the loss.
My advise is not to update to 1.1.3 until someone finds a way to unlock it and jailbreak it.