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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 30, 2017

I have quite an old macbook air that is out of warrently. Due to it beening a laptop it has been hevily used. As a result it has had a small amount of water spilt of the keyboard. This all heppened quite some time a go. But as a result it will not turn on. Due to it being out of warrantly and another issue I felt unable to have it looked at by an Apple store and I do not know of any other alternative.

I must say that this exact thing has happened once before and the mac came back on life after quite a while. The only noticable thing is that when the charger is connected the charging LED changes from a green to organge.

I have tried reseting the SMC and that seems to do nothing. When this happened before the LED changed colour indercating that the reset was succeful although I had to do it a few times before I was able to get a startup. Given that the macbook seems unresponsive I don't know if there is anything else I can try myself.

The computer has never been serviced and as previosly mentioned I would not know where to go due to the situation.

I live in South West London UK, if anyone can recommend a sutable option to have it looked at.

Kind regards.


macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2017
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I recommend opening the Macbook, disconnecting the battery, connecting the charger, and see if the Macbook turns on by itself and functions properly. If it does, the battery probably needs replacement.
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