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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 15, 2016
I am noticing a new icon on the lock screen of my iPhone 6s plus. I am almost certain that this was not present prior to upgrading to iOS 9.2, but I am not 100% positive. The icon is in the upper right corner of the screen above the battery icon. It is a very small triangle. It definitely is not the same as the triangle which indicates that the GPS is being used. The icon is only present on the lock screen. Upon unlocking the phone the icon goes away. The icon has an unusual animation that it preforms when turning the screen on and off with the power button. Again, this is only happening on the lock screen. I've included a picture of said icon here with this post. The quality is poor, but it shows where the icon is, and roughly how it looks. Can anyone tell me what this is?

OP, why don't you screenshot it instead of taking a photo?
My bad. I had a brain fart and for some reason was thinking screen shot wasn't possible on the lock screen. But it is! And here it is...


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Maybe the wallpaper?
OMG, I feel like a moron. It is the wallpaper. I cropped the picture that was originally a screenshot of my class schedule, and the app that I used to crop the picture saved it with that dang little thing up there in the corner. I then used that picture as my lock screen wallpaper. It is the exact same color as the system icons. That, and the animation is what threw me. Thanks for the help guys!
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No, it is not the wallpaper. My wallpaper is a screenshot of my spring class schedule. This things actually has animation that it preforms upon locking and unlocking the screen. It is definitely part of the system, but I can't figure out what it means. One thing that I have noticed is that the icon is not present whenever I have app notifications showing on my lock screen. Very strange.
I'm wondering if it is a widget, or maybe an app that is causing that?
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