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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 2, 2006
What is the best way/program to use to clean all the unwanted unrequired files from my hard disk, that have accumulated over the years ?
The best way is to reformat and reload OSX and your apps (backing up your data of course).
Thanks, think it will be clean my Mac as I do not really want to reinstall.
Thanks, think it will be clean my Mac as I do not really want to reinstall.

You might want to do a little research on "clean my mac" before going this route. Plenty of posts in this forum alone, mostly negative. My two cents, for what it's worth, is follow previous posters' advice and do a clean install. Clone your boot drive and use migration assistant for any programs/files you want to save.
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You might want to do a little research on "clean my mac" before going this route. Plenty of posts of this forum alone, mostly negative. My two cents, for what it's worth, is follow previous posters' advice and do a clean install. Clone your boot drive and use migration assistant for any programs/files you want to save.

Another vote to avoid CleanMyMac. As quote points out, many, many negative reviews on it. It is too aggressive, and cleans too much.

I had it, and uninstalled it using manual uninstall method.
I LOVE Daisy Disk.

(It's in the Mac App store.)

It's not an automatic thing. It just shows you where space is being used. You then have to decide if you want to erase it or not. So it requires a little bit of techie knowledge to know if something can be deleted or not.

But it can be great for tracking down huge cache files, or or iPhone backups. Things that have been growing for years and can safely be wiped.
Actually CleanMyMac is a major cause of having to reinstall. It seems to cause as many problems as it solves.
GGJStudios, where are you? :D
Sorry.... gotta sleep sometime! :D
Clean my mac does a pretty good job if you don't want to reinstall.
NOT a good idea!

I would not recommend CleanMyMac, based on the number of complaints that have been posted in this forum and elsewhere. As an example: CleanMyMac cleaned too much. While you may not have experienced problems yet, enough people have that it's wise to avoid it, especially since there are free alternatives that have better reputations, such as Onyx.

You don't need "cleaner" or "maintenance" apps to keep your Mac running well, and some of these apps can do more harm than good. Most only remove files/folders or unused languages or architectures, which does nothing more than free up some drive space, with the risk of deleting something important in the process.

These apps will not make your Mac run faster or more efficiently, since having stuff stored on a drive does not impact performance, unless you're running out of drive space. In fact, deleting some caches can hurt performance, rather than help it, since more system resources are used and performance suffers while each cache is being rebuilt.

Many of these tasks should only be done selectively to troubleshoot specific problems, not en masse as routine maintenance.

Mac OS X does a good job of taking care of itself, without the need for 3rd party software. Among other things, it has its own maintenance scripts that run silently in the background on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, without user intervention.
As for uninstalling apps, in most cases, app removal software doesn't do a thorough job of finding and removing files/folders related to deleted apps. For more information, read this. If you just want to delete the app, drag the .app file to the trash. No other software needed. If you want to completely remove all associated files/folders, no removal apps will do the job.

The most effective method for complete app removal is manual deletion:
The best way is to reformat and reload OSX and your apps (backing up your data of course).
For cleaning up years of data, this is the best approach.
I LOVE Daisy Disk.

(It's in the Mac App store.)

It's not an automatic thing. It just shows you where space is being used. You then have to decide if you want to erase it or not. So it requires a little bit of techie knowledge to know if something can be deleted or not.

But it can be great for tracking down huge cache files, or or iPhone backups. Things that have been growing for years and can safely be wiped.

This is what I use as well, great app
I dont understand why everyone is so negative with clean my mac. Looks like none of you have any personal experience with it. I run it every week with no problems... You can customize it for what you want erased.


Actually CleanMyMac is a major cause of having to reinstall. It seems to cause as many problems as it solves.

GGJStudios, where are you? :D

Do you have proof?
I dont understand why everyone is so negative with clean my mac.
Looks like none of you have any personal experience with it.
I run it every week with no problems...
As I said, "While you may not have experienced problems yet, enough people have that it's wise to avoid it, especially since there are free alternatives that have better reputations, such as Onyx."
Do you have proof?
Read the links already provided. Also search the forum for comments about CMM.
^^^Yes. It sucketh. It is for noobs.
Don't trust ANY uninstaller for the most part because OS X has too many way's for distros to deploy apps. If the app is Cocoa it is pretty easy and an "Auto" app can do it. But then so can you with 3-4 files. If it is proprietary like Adobe or certain Vice installers none of the "uninstaller's" can help anyway. They just strip out part of the apps and leave traces all over. No app can take into account the many ways of software distribution. I use AppZapper when I am lazy and because it is pretty. But it only works with Cocoa and preference panes. It does not try to do anything else cuz it can't. I respect that.
You have a Mac Pro… get more disk space?

Otherwise if you insist on a "clean up," I would reinstall everything instead.
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