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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 6, 2004
Hi! I use my Apple TV to stream "Home Sharing" files via the "Computers" app on my Apple TV (hardware). The files originate on a computer, and I can view them on the TV.... and for the most part it works well.

However, I seem to have five unwanted "Playlists" when I select my computer in the "Computers" app. None of these playlists are on the computer where the media is located, and I have other Playlists (created by me on the computer with the media) showing.... but I'd like to get rid of these other playlists.

The five unwanted playlists are "smart playlists" (i.e. 'Last Two Months', 'Recently Played', etc.)

I can't seem to find a way to get rid of them! I've tried turning the computer and Apple TV off then on; I've tried logging out of Home Sharing on both the computer and the Apple TV, then logging back in - nothing!

When I view the list of media on the computer using an iPad, the Playlists are not there.... so I think this might be an Apple TV issue, but I'm not sure.

If anyone has any ideas on how to get rid of these unwanted "Smart Playlists", please let me know!!! :) Thanks in advance; peace!


macrumors 68000
Aug 26, 2009
Bumping this, as I have the same issue. When I view my Mac’s TV library on my Apple TV, I have curated playlists that show as expected, but there is a smart playlist called “TV Shows” that appears, with no way to get rid of it. Here is a pic…

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