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I have a website listed below the Bookmark & left/right arrows that I can't clear from my iPad 1. I have cancelled all folders, and even in a blank screen, it's there. I have gone to Settings -> Safari and cleared both History & Cookies and Data, yet still it remains. A hard shutdown hasn't affected it. Under Advanced, Website Data is empty. I'm at the end of what I know. Can the stinking advertiser have placed it there somehow that can prevent me from clearing it? Is there a way to clear it? And yes, I wish I had never visited this site!
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< > \^/ |?| [ reply.......................] [ Google Window ]
ANNOYING WEBSITE IS HERE, right below the bookmark buttons and 1st skinny horizontal line & immediately above the website tabs.

MacRumors Forums - Reply to Topic (the only tab open) |+|

Now starts the MacRumors site in the white area. That's the best I can do. The annoying website is on the far left, 1/2" below the black border, all the way to the left, and below all the Bookmarks jazz. That's the best I can do.

< > left and right arrows
\^/ is the open book for the Bookmarks list.
|?| is a facsimile of the "Add Bookmark" box & arrow.
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You should be able to attach a screenshot from your camera roll?

But it sounds like you're describing a banner ad at the top of the normal page?
Banner Ad?

I've not heard that term before, but I believe you. Now how do I get rid of it?

Is there any way to punish the banner ads owner? Perhaps you could crash their computers, burn down their houses, kill their canaries,...nevermind, just dreaming.

I googled "remove baner ads" and got instructions to turn on "block pop-ups" @ Settings>Safari, and they're already blocked.
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A screenshot would really be helpful. Can you put on on photo bucket or similar?
Well I'm not so sure it is a banner ad so need a screenshot to see. If you press the lock button and home button at the same time, you can take a screenshot which goes into your camera roll. When you post on this forum, you have the ability to add an attachment to the post. Using that functionality, you may be able to select the file from your camera roll (iOS 6 and up). If you only have the iPad on iOS 5, download the photobucket app and upload the picture to the photobucket account you make when you run the app. Once uploaded to your photobucket account, the app will let you select the sharing URL which you can paste into a forum reply then I can see the screenshot.

If you only have the iPad on iOS 5, and any other iOS 6 and up device, you can probably attach the image direct from iOS 6 device but instead of camera roll, select iCloud photostream

Hope these instructions are clear. Good luck.
That sounds like a lot to do to me. I am not familiar enough with the fine points of MacRumors. Could I simply email it to you? I took the shot when you mentioned it before, downloaded a photo editor so I could focus on the upper left corner, and that's where I had to stop. Emailing would be a snap. That's something I already know how to do. BTW, this is an iPad 1, so the iOS goes no higher than 5.1.something.

I worked on my facsimile from yesterday a bit more, and added to the description. If that doesnt do it, the annoying website is 1/2" down & 1/8" in from the left. I can do no more. Thx for trying.
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I've sent you a private message with my email address. If you send it me and I can't figure it out, I'll post the screenshot for you so others may help.


  • image.jpg
    10.3 KB · Views: 314
I don't see how that relates since I don't have this site bookmarked, and I HAVE bookmarked quite a few sites since I looked at that monstrous site!

Oh, I take that back. I did have it in my "Hateful Sites" folder due to this problem. Will you please excuse me while I go wash the egg off my face and cancel the contract I put out on the site's owner's canary! I have deleted the bookmark, turned of the always show thingie, and started baking you some cookies. I hope you like chocolate chip and liver. Oh, nevermind, no one likes them but me, but I do want to thank you profusely. You won't be a MacRumors Newbie for long!
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Chocolate & liver? You must be kidding! That wouldn't be fair to thank you by sending that! Perhaps you have a dog that likes chocolate?...or would that be cruel to the dog? Ah well, many thanks anyway!

PS: I wonder why you didn't volunteer to help me by burning down the errant website-maker's house and strangling his/her canary.....hmmmm. Non-violent type, eh? Apparently, I'm a psychopathic lace tatter, because it sounded like a terrific idea to me,...if of course, that person was actually not responsible. OH NO!!! I have to burn down MY OWN house AND choose which cat to strangle (we don't have a canary anymore).

"Vapor, I'm coming for you!......Say goodbye to your furry sweetie!"
..."MIAOW!!!" ... Clunk.
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