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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 31, 2003
Nelson, Wales
I'm trying to unzip a file but keep getting the following message

'An error has occured while expanding the file "Win XP pro OS" (Tried to position to before start of file).
Error 40'

I've tried downloading the file multiple times, but i still can't get it to unzip.

Any ideas??
j_maddison said:
I'm trying to unzip a file but keep getting the following message

'An error has occured while expanding the file "Win XP pro OS" (Tried to position to before start of file).
Error 40'

I've tried downloading the file multiple times, but i still can't get it to unzip.

Any ideas??

What app are you using to unzip? stuffit expander? zipit? another?
j_maddison said:
'An error has occured while expanding the file "Win XP pro OS" (Tried to position to before start of file).

I think you may have downloaded a corrupted zip file.
i'm using stuffit expander

i dont know if its a corrupt file. ive tried to unzipp the file several times and ive downloaded it multiple times from several differnt people on p2p software and ive even used different p2p clients. i get the same problem every time

i'd rather not say what software it is :)
j_maddison said:
i'm using stuffit expander

i dont know if its a corrupt file. ive tried to unzipp the file several times and ive downloaded it multiple times from several differnt people on p2p software and ive even used different p2p clients. i get the same problem every time

i'd rather not say what software it is :)
Maybe that ought to tell you something. Every copy of MacOS X is bundled with Stuffit Expander which can unZIP files. MacOS X 10.3 now has ZIP built-in as part of the operating system. Yet, you have a pirated file that you can't unZIP. Get a clue. Forget about the file--it's damaged or worse. Furthermore, it is against the rules on this forum to discuss software piracy. You should not bring these kinds of issues here.
well i've bought many a software package by trying it out first. alot of companies offer limited time trials of their products. but alot still dont. its a product i want to buy, but i keep hearing its dog slow on the mac. so before i go and pay £180 for it or $324 (to use todays exchange rate), i want to know if it works well enough on my al pb.

I bought ms office by using ms evaluation download for example. dont tarnish all p2p file sharing as being law breakers, fool.

PKWare, the company the pioneered ZIP format on the PC side was taking a major beating from WinZip, so they CHANGED the ZIP format of their zip files. Mainstream apps like Winzip on windows, and probably stuffit can't open those files, they see them as corrupt.

Try to find out what app zipped the file, and if it is PKWare you will need to use that on Windows to unzip.

It is so dumb, makes me hate PKWare. :rolleyes:
iShater said:
PKWare, the company the pioneered ZIP format on the PC side was taking a major beating from WinZip, so they CHANGED the ZIP format of their zip files. Mainstream apps like Winzip on windows, and probably stuffit can't open those files, they see them as corrupt.

Try to find out what app zipped the file, and if it is PKWare you will need to use that on Windows to unzip.

It is so dumb, makes me hate PKWare. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the advice, i'll give it a go :)


MisterMe - apologies for calling you a fool. knee jeark reaction. to explain my predicament over this software, i need it to use a specific app. its driving me nuts that the mac version of this particular software is very differnnt from the windows version with many features missing. the solution to pay for something that on the face of it looks like it will do what i want. i've never seen it working though, and i dont know anyone who has it. without naming the software programe, i know many people have complained about it and claimed its not usuable. while others have said its fine. i'm not sure if my al pb is too slow to run it, so i want to use it first and then if it is usuable buy it. i still qualify for student discounts on most things, so i desperately want to buy a few apps before my student status runs.

i've spoken to the only mac shop in my area and they a no returns policy for anything purchased. its alot of money to spend if the software doesnt do what i want it to do. and they wont break a box open to show me it working.

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