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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 4, 2008
hallo all, and thanks for the help in advance.
  • i want to unlock an iphone 8gb with ziphone.
  • i downloaded ziphone and installed it
  • i closed itunes
  • put my own sim card into the iphone
  • attached the iphone with usb cable mac
  • started ziphone and clicked "do all"
the phone goes into recovery-mode and itunes opens automatically
itunes tels me to install the firmware new. ok, i did that to and closed itunes again. (i also tried ignoring that, closed itunes, but then nothing goes on in ziphone)
after reinstalling firmware i close itunes, but then nothing else happens.
ziphone only gets till:

Checking ZiPhone integrity...
Searching for iPhone...
Copying Inga.dat...
Entering recovery mode.
Failed: (0) AMDeviceConnect failed.
ERROR: ziphone returned 10


on the iphone it tells me now that i should insert the right sim and that´s it.
if i try again, same thing happens.

can someone help??!!
i am afraid i don´t know which firmware it is, but itunes updates it to the latest version for the phone, i would guess.
it´s not a g3, its the "old" iphone.

what firmware is your iphone running? is it 3g?
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