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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 6, 2009
Hi Everyone!

I would like to introduce you a new brand version of uPackingList app! It turns packing into a fast and convenient way of preparing for any journey using a unique algorithm for the list creation.

The developers decided to merge both Paid and Free old versions in one coolest version of uPackinglist with ability to synchronize all data between devices, more smarter wizard and lots more! And it is free now!


How it works
Create lists of items that are necessary for your trip or activity.

Smart assistant
Specify the purpose of travel, departure date, and destination. The application will choose the appropriate items, taking the weather and specified parameters into account.

Reuse lists
Return to the application and reuse previously created lists.

Items and categories
Add, edit or delete new items and categories. Edit templates as needed.

Get it from AppStore

Have a nice journey! uP1.jpeg uP2.jpeg uP3.jpeg
Try it and tell your impressions :)
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