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aaronb said:
Hey guys,

I'm designing a logo for an upcoming series at our Youth Group. I was just wanting to get some feedback and constructive criticism on what I have done as of right now.

Check it out: Series.jpg


I LOVE the color scheme, though it wasn't quite obvious to me what exactly I was looking took a minute for it to register that I was looking at a pair of hands. Anyway, the hands are rather evocative of an archway...have you thought about maybe using a pic of an actual archway in place of the hands? It would give a sense of transition, or passing through...death is a doorway, that kind of thing...

just a thought...
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
Yeah, I definitely agree with the both of you, the hands and the font are a little tough to distinguish so I might tweak them so that they will be more emphasized.

I really wanted to go with kind of a browner/earth tone/underground kind of theme to kind of symbolize the whole earth thing. It's tough to make a logo about death and not have a picture of a graveyard or something TOTALLY obvious! :)
I think the typeface is perfect, may be you want to "bold" the " and why its not the end" part a bit more. If you try it in a serrif font it might work...maybe something like good old Palatino or Times New Roman? I really like the theme of "dust to dust and ashes to ashes" and the whole circle of life thingie..great job
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