Hello people,
sorry for bothering, can anyone help me with this situation. Since ios 18.3.1 release date i’ve updated my iphone 12 pro. As usual after ios 18 in battery settings after updaying message appeared “update finishing in background” for about max 2 or 3 days and then disappeared. But since ios 18.3.1 update, it’s about 10 days i see againg message in battery settings “update finishing in background”, which doesn’t disappear, please if anyone have same situation or knows how to resolve this problem or bug, I don’t even know if it is bug or have to be so, but 10 days is big period. Thanks for undetstanding and your time. Waiting for your answers. Thanks a lot.
sorry for bothering, can anyone help me with this situation. Since ios 18.3.1 release date i’ve updated my iphone 12 pro. As usual after ios 18 in battery settings after updaying message appeared “update finishing in background” for about max 2 or 3 days and then disappeared. But since ios 18.3.1 update, it’s about 10 days i see againg message in battery settings “update finishing in background”, which doesn’t disappear, please if anyone have same situation or knows how to resolve this problem or bug, I don’t even know if it is bug or have to be so, but 10 days is big period. Thanks for undetstanding and your time. Waiting for your answers. Thanks a lot.