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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 18, 2004
FYI, if you are using any iWork apps on iPad, then there is an update for all the apps.
Here are the details for Pages:

What's New in Version 1.1

- Support for French, German, Japanese, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish
- Toolbar and ruler are now available in wide-screen landscape view
- Documents automatically fit to page width in landscape view
- Enhanced Back/Front slider in the Arrange panel

This update also:

- Improves reliability when exporting Microsoft Word documents
- Addresses issues with exporting documents previously imported from Microsoft Word
- Fixes an issue with text wrapping in Microsoft Word after exporting a document with a frame around an image
- Addresses a chart font size issue when exporting documents previously imported from Microsoft Word
- Resolves an issue with scrolling after inserting and playing a movie

Sounds good, especially menu in landscape. The way it originally worked sounds good in practice, for it all to vanish away and leave you with just what you are typing... but I'm glad Apple have listened to what the users have thought and added made this change.
I think they aren't adding iDisk support to the iWork apps yet because iDisk will be key feature of OS 4.0 for iPad. I expect the iPad version of the OS will come with a native app for accessing iDisk and sending compatible files to Pages, Numbers etc. At that point, it would make sense to update the iWork apps so that they can save to the iDisk.

Please be skeptical, I have no evidence. I just think it's something they would have fixed already by now unless they have bigger plans coming. And 4.0 isn't really too far away.
I have no evidence. I just think it's something they would have fixed already by now unless they have bigger plans coming. And 4.0 isn't really too far away.

This makes sense as there has to be a reason that 4 for iPad will follow the release for iPhone by a few months. Apple knows there are features missing from the current OS but wanted to get it out the door as soon as possible. I think you are right and that we will see 4.1 in the Fall with new features beyond those announced for 4.0.
This makes sense as there has to be a reason that 4 for iPad will follow the release for iPhone by a few months. Apple knows there are features missing from the current OS but wanted to get it out the door as soon as possible. I think you are right and that we will see 4.1 in the Fall with new features beyond those announced for 4.0.

I also agree its coming in OS 4.0 however it is such a basic fix to add it into the iWork apps (Office HD2 and other apps have incorporated it) that it is a bit daft really.

Maybe its part of a print solution that they could be working on?
Until some kind of printing is added who cares. iWork for iPad reminds me of all the hoops I use to go through to get a Word for PC doc to print back in the early 90s.
Until some kind of printing is added who cares. iWork for iPad reminds me of all the hoops I use to go through to get a Word for PC doc to print back in the early 90s.

Printing on paper is so 90's.:D What I want is syncing from Mac to iPad to Mac like Notes. Or better yet wi-fi like Apple's Bento.;)
The toolbar in landscape mode is the #1 complaint I've seen on this board. The reaction in this thread surprises me. They can't completely rebuild the app in two weeks. Maybe they should have taken more time with it before launch, but with things are as they are, this is a very nice update. Would you have rather they didn't release this update and instead waiting months to bundle it with other fixes?
As the iDisk implementation that many of you are talking about is not even remotely difficult to achieve, it becomes fairly obvious that it was not an oversight, it is because Apple does not want you to do that yet. My guess is that once that feature is enabled, it will start to become more of a laptop replacement than current. Before people start biting my head off, I know that it is not going to ever be a full on laptop replacement for heavy users, but it could certainly be for those people that only use it lightly
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