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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 3, 2016
Hello MacRumors,

I am the developer behind tacet, the haptic metronome, BPM calculator, and handy musical reference, for Apple Watch. I developed the app a little while ago, as an attempt to address the problems of conventional metronomes (they always seem to be missing when you need them, they can be expensive, and inevitably end up as clutter under a desk!) with the new possibilities of Apple Watch (haptic feedback allows for a unique experience, where the beat is felt and not heard, and the nature of the watch means a metronome is always easily accessible on your wrist). The response thus far has been incredible, and I just wanted to nce the new major update.

Please check it out - and give me feedback!


Jul 14, 2015
Cool -- I'll reinstall it when I get home.

I've had five or six metronomes over the years and have never turned down a new way to keep time.
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