I lost all my data so far as well.
I went to install the update to 3.0.
It started to unpack the update after downloading.
At some point either during unpacking, on the install, or on the verification with Apple it went into recovery mode. (You know the usb plug icon with up arrow point to iTunes Logo.
So now, from both my laptop and my desktop when I insert the iPhone into cradle I only get "iTunes has detected a phone in recovery mode. You must restore this iPhone before it can be used with iTunes."
Now I have not restored it yet as it does not show my usual data in iTunes and I would like to not loose all this if possible -- most of the iPhone is backed up in other ways so it is not a disaster.
Does anyone know if my backup data is anywhere to be found. I would like the path to a file (On a Mac) and a procedure if any one can easily provide this.
Thank you in advance for any advice. Don't go too far out of your way.