This stupid thing keeps trying to get on the internet through the cell system and not my wifi.
My wifi was working PERFECTLY on it until I upgraded from 2.2.0
Now every time I try to do anything on it at all, I can hear it trying to get data on the cell, it makes my pc speakers buzz real loud like when you dial and make a phone call. It makes no attempt to use my wifi anymore.
I have entered the wifi network data PROPERLY into it's settings.
There is no option to turn off edge or 3g.
I do not have ATT or data, I unlocked and jailbroke it to work on Centennial.
I even pulled the sim card from it to try to force it to use the wifi and it still says there is no internet connection. I can do nothing at all with this.
Yes, I have rebooted it, yes, I have reset network connections. Many times.
I upgraded with redsn0w 0.8 and the 3.0.0 software.
Please help? I use the wifi a LOT in my home on it. Now it's just a crappy cell phone. I might as well downgrade it back to 2.2
My wifi was working PERFECTLY on it until I upgraded from 2.2.0
Now every time I try to do anything on it at all, I can hear it trying to get data on the cell, it makes my pc speakers buzz real loud like when you dial and make a phone call. It makes no attempt to use my wifi anymore.
I have entered the wifi network data PROPERLY into it's settings.
There is no option to turn off edge or 3g.
I do not have ATT or data, I unlocked and jailbroke it to work on Centennial.
I even pulled the sim card from it to try to force it to use the wifi and it still says there is no internet connection. I can do nothing at all with this.
Yes, I have rebooted it, yes, I have reset network connections. Many times.
I upgraded with redsn0w 0.8 and the 3.0.0 software.
Please help? I use the wifi a LOT in my home on it. Now it's just a crappy cell phone. I might as well downgrade it back to 2.2