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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 6, 2008
Eagle Pass
I just Updated to 2.2.1 and it updated successfully. I didnt back up so most of my apps are gone. I had poof before so lot of my apps are hidden and i cant access them because when i jailbroke 2.2.1 i was going to go into cydia to download BossPrefs and get my apps back from its hidden mode. So when i tried to go in cidya, i got the message "Could not activate cellular network". Ive read all the other posts regarding the "network loss" but there isnt a problem similar to mine.

Could it be the jailbreak?

or is it a network problem?

(p.s. network worked fine before update. Im in Eagle PAss, no 3G just EDGE. and my Edge icon is visible. I reset network setting, rebooted and still nothing. )

Thanks in advanced!

UPDATE: People in Texas might be experiencing similarities! Just found out its a network issue!
i think this may be a system issue. I am having network problems also and I am in San Antonio, TX. This just started a few hours ago. :confused:
i think this may be a system issue. I am having network problems also and I am in San Antonio, TX. This just started a few hours ago. :confused:

Yeah i just read a post about the "could not connect to cellullar network"
issue and the last 3 are from people in Texas
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