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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 3, 2006
Charlotte, NC
I was jailbroken before and I wasn't even going to update to this latest one, but from some reason my iphone stopped working properly as a phone. Who knows, anyhow so I updated it in itunes, and it kept everything, but it just wasn't jailbroken anymore.

I re-jailbroke it with Quickpwn and that worked fine, but my concern is now, how to I clear out the old space used by the previous jailbreak? It appears my old Themes directory is still there and my old apps are still there under /var/stash in a separate directory, but they don't appear on the phone, I'm guessing because the new jailbreak doesn't recognize the old.

Long story short, is there a way to free up the old jailbreak space just by SSH without screwing things up? I don't want to have to do a complete restore if I don't really have to.

Can I just delete the duplicate Applications, Themes, Include, Wallpaper, Libexec, Ringtones, and Share directories in /PRIVATE/VAR/STASH?

Are there other files I need to delete? dTunes still sees my old music, thats not a problem.

And yes, I did so some searching, if this has been answered previously, please point me to the appropriate thread.

Upgrading a Jailbroken phone, without restoring, then Jailbreaking again will loose you 500MB of Disk Space.

You could delete the old folders, but I recommend doing a fresh restore and Jailbreak :)

I've never personally upgraded and lsot 500MB, therefore have never deleted the old folders, and don't know what consequences there maybe... You could try it, I don't see why there should be any issues, but just be careful and make backups if possible.
Thanks, I'll just bite the bullet and do a complete restore. I won't really lose that much anyhow as all my contacts are on the exchange server.

Just some texts I guess. I was just wondering if there was a better way.
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