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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 4, 2017
I would have thought that apple would have made a few tweaks to some of their core apps with the release of the new pro models.
Obviously with the price increase ( and improved speed, storage etc) they are hoping to hit the corporate world. Why didn’t they tweet their core apps to help push that along ? If they had done some tweaking to Pages, Numbers , Keynote and Notes they could have said to the corporate world “ Hey - not only have we improved the hardware - we have also improved our software. All your corporate needs in one package! Why go elsewhere ? “
I know a lot of people would still use Microsoft but at least it would give the illusion that you don’t need other apps. The one package .
Do you think apple will push this way ? Or did they miss an opportunity ?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2014
Think in iOS 13 and next year or two we will see a big push to bring additional operating system features and more professional apps. Apple should take the lead with the apps you mentioned. Would love to see Final Cut Pro come to iPad Pro but fear it will not as people just wont buy macs anymore then. However, hope I am wrong.
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