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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 2, 2006

Just need to make sure I have this straight in my head.

What is the best process to replace the Main HD in my Mac.

Would this be correct ?

First I make a bootable backup using Super Duper (that is what I use).
Then fit the new drive in tray 1, naming it Macintosh HD.
Then install my OS of choice (in my case Snow Leopard) onto it.
Then do a restore from the back up onto it.
Or from installer DVD/USB you can do restore your disk image file
just do $ open from terminal and locate whereever you put *.dmg file,
so your *dmg file will be mounted and you can do restore from Disk Utility. :D
I would put the blank hdd in slot 2 3 4 which ever one is empty. I would partiton and format. name it mac hdd 2 or mac hdd clone. then i would clone it. after the clone i would go to system preferences look for startup drive click it. this would show 2 choices the original and the clone. this is why a different name for the start drives is a good idea. pick the clone and boot. then run the clone for a while make sure it works.
PLEASE, don't buy a hard drive from the Apple store – way too expensive.

Any SATA drive will work and no, don't go for SATA I, but SATA II or SATA 6Gb/s (= SATA 3) instead. SATA 3 won't give you speed benefits over SATA 2 with mechanical drives but they'll work just as well. Might be cheaper.

Speaking of cheaper: If you can postpone this purchase in anyway, then do that. HDD prices are insanely high ATM.

Doubt that you'd be able to track down a competitively priced SATA I drive at all...
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