Hey all, quick question. I have a 1st gen iPhone, and I used the PwnageTool to upgrade to 2.0, including unlocking the baseband for use on Tmobile. I now want upgrade to 2.0.1 with the updated PwnageTool. When I create the custom IPSW, should I include updating/unlocking the baseband (meaning, would the stock firmware re-lock the baseband)? Or is the baseband permanently unlocked? I seem to remember reading several places that it's not good for the phone to flash fimware to the baseband over and over, maybe it's bad for the hardware somehow. Ideas?
Also, I've seen quite a few comments on the devteam's blog about this recent update breaking mail.app on the phone; anyone confirm/deny/shed light on that issue?
Also, I've seen quite a few comments on the devteam's blog about this recent update breaking mail.app on the phone; anyone confirm/deny/shed light on that issue?