Well, I
could switch to RAID5 because I do have it all backed up on another set of individual drives, but what I mean is that I'm using it on a daily basis right now, such that I can't afford to take days off to build a new RAID. It took 40 hours if I recall to build the RAID3, and if it ends up taking that long to build a new set, my clients will complain because I'm editing things for them right now.
If the set fails, sure, I'll have to build a new one, but it's different to have to tell clients that I suffered a failure when it really happens, as opposed to putting them off because I'm doing tests on the system. I'm sure they can appreciate the need for tests, but I think they'd like me to do that when time isn't so scarce.
This week, I'm trying to finish up another revision on a project before I leave for Costa Rica for a week on another project. Once I return from that, I will be expected to provide a new revision, and I think at that point I can spare a couple days. I admit that I've just returned (yesterday) from taking two weeks off the major project for a vacation in Hawai'i, but that's because I hadn't taken any time off in over two years, and I had a great opportunity to do so. As it was, I took one of my backup drives with me just in case, and the client only called me twice to do some quick edits, knowing I was on vacation.
I could tell them to leave me alone, but the reason I have this client is because their previous vendor didn't meet their needs to their satisfaction. They like that I provide for them, and I like that they have seemingly unlimited money to pay for my efforts.
I'm not trying to give you a hard time; rather I'm explaining why I haven't done further tests yet. I hope I'm not coming across as defensive or annoyed, because I'm not.

I do have two sets of backups, though. I'm big on safety, especially when my livelihood depends on it!