I know like this have been asked a number of times but external input is always welcome.
I currently have a 2008 8x2.8Ghz 16GB 8800GT MacPro and have a chance to upgrade to a 2010 12x 2.66Ghz 8GB 5770 MacPro for my box and $2,000.00.
The 12-core also comes with AppleCare for another two years.
Most work is Photoshop and one or two VMs running.
It does not always come down to "need" but some extra thoughts are welcome.
I currently have a 2008 8x2.8Ghz 16GB 8800GT MacPro and have a chance to upgrade to a 2010 12x 2.66Ghz 8GB 5770 MacPro for my box and $2,000.00.
The 12-core also comes with AppleCare for another two years.
Most work is Photoshop and one or two VMs running.
It does not always come down to "need" but some extra thoughts are welcome.