Alright so here's my brand spankin new problem. this is pretty weird as well.
I was going to do the upgrade to 2.2.1, and I had a bunch of stuff from Cydia, so naturally I found Apt back up(or something like that) and I backed up all my files.
Then I used the updated iclarified guide and used PwnageTool. I used the updated version and everything, and it was all going smoothly.
When I was in the final stages, it was doing the actual bootneutering, a white screen came up with some other little tid bits. So everything was reloading and syncing and my iphone was done (this is a 2G just so you know). N
On my original iphone (pre update) I had the MIM (which changes the name of your wireless provider), iBlank, and categories. when I was done with syncing and everything, I saw that I had 2 pages, but all scattered over with the iBlank things positioned all over.
On the first page on the first row,first column, all I see is the SMS icon.
then on the first column, second row I see my Youtube and then a separation of an iBlank, then my Maps icon.
It skips my third row, then on my first column, 4th row, I see my iTunes and App Store next to each other. The rest of my spaces on the first page are blank.
On my menu bar (where the phone,safari,ipod are located) I have two spaces. left over (I had 5 dock installed as well)
On my second page the only icon I have is Facebook.
Now my MIM is still working as I switched it to T-Mobile wording, but my wifi insignia isn't there.
Can anyone tell me whats up? I can't find Cydia,installer, anything basically. and all the remaining icons I have were original folders using categories (except SMS which was on my 5 dock, but now on the main page)
Sorry for the long wall of text guys, but I know you are always particular to detail, so I thought I should just lay it al out. Any more questions are welcome!
I was going to do the upgrade to 2.2.1, and I had a bunch of stuff from Cydia, so naturally I found Apt back up(or something like that) and I backed up all my files.
Then I used the updated iclarified guide and used PwnageTool. I used the updated version and everything, and it was all going smoothly.
When I was in the final stages, it was doing the actual bootneutering, a white screen came up with some other little tid bits. So everything was reloading and syncing and my iphone was done (this is a 2G just so you know). N
On my original iphone (pre update) I had the MIM (which changes the name of your wireless provider), iBlank, and categories. when I was done with syncing and everything, I saw that I had 2 pages, but all scattered over with the iBlank things positioned all over.
On the first page on the first row,first column, all I see is the SMS icon.
then on the first column, second row I see my Youtube and then a separation of an iBlank, then my Maps icon.
It skips my third row, then on my first column, 4th row, I see my iTunes and App Store next to each other. The rest of my spaces on the first page are blank.
On my menu bar (where the phone,safari,ipod are located) I have two spaces. left over (I had 5 dock installed as well)
On my second page the only icon I have is Facebook.
Now my MIM is still working as I switched it to T-Mobile wording, but my wifi insignia isn't there.
Can anyone tell me whats up? I can't find Cydia,installer, anything basically. and all the remaining icons I have were original folders using categories (except SMS which was on my 5 dock, but now on the main page)
Sorry for the long wall of text guys, but I know you are always particular to detail, so I thought I should just lay it al out. Any more questions are welcome!