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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 9, 2017
I'm currently using a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and its acting up. I intend on switching over to iOS. Would it be better to upgrade to iPhone 7 plus now or wait till september/October when the iPhone 7s plus/8 launches? Any opinions would be appreciated.


Jul 12, 2016
I'm currently using a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and its acting up. I intend on switching over to iOS. Would it be better to upgrade to iPhone 7 plus now or wait till september/October when the iPhone 7s plus/8 launches? Any opinions would be appreciated.

I guess it's dependent if you need to make the switch sooner than later based on the technical issues you're having with your Galaxy Note 4. Unless you can find a nice sale price on the iPhone 7, then I would wait until September. However, you might be waiting longer than September with the amount of anticipation with this new iPhone 8 coming out until you can actually receive one. But even if you opt for the iPhone 7, it's an excellent device, especially being you're making the transition from android to iOS.
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macrumors 65816
Jan 7, 2016
I'm currently using a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and its acting up. I intend on switching over to iOS. Would it be better to upgrade to iPhone 7 plus now or wait till september/October when the iPhone 7s plus/8 launches? Any opinions would be appreciated.
It's up to you. If I were you, I would wait 7s/8.


macrumors 68020
Oct 14, 2008
i haven't had an iPhone since the 3G - and then had the 3Gs. After that, i have been android; even though i have used Mac since 2007ish.

yesterday i decided to use my "upgrade" to get an iPhone 7 plus 128GB from Costco. I had the Note 4 until last year when the screen broke, and got a replacement Note 5.

Why did i not wait until the iPhone X? because one it is three months away until it is announced, and two; probably 5 months+ realistically until they are available. By then, i can pay the phone off, sell it and then get the new one.

only have had it for a day, so still getting used to it.


macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2014
I wanted to buy an iPhone, specifically the iPhone 6 the summer of 2015 and I'm so glad that I waited 2-3 months so I could buy the 6s (I did not plan on buying it) and then I realized that 6s was so much better than the 6 and if I have bought the 6 I would've regretted it lol.

So, wait for the new iPhones.


Nov 18, 2016
Wait until the new one comes. The new ones will have newer features either firmware, hardware or both. You just have to wait 3-4 months.

If you need an iPhone "right now" and cannot wait 3-4 months, then buy iPhone 7.


macrumors 65816
Jun 9, 2009
Just wait. I walk into an apple store with my 6+ and long for the 7+ with the updated everything on it. The only reason I didn't upgrade back in September was the fact that the design barely changed and my 6+ worked fine and still works fine now.

If you have cash to burn, buy now, and sell when the 8 comes out. You'll lose a couple hundred but resale value as long as you keep it in pristine condition should be great. I almost did that in the spring but now I am too close to the announcement.

Its a tough call with your phone acting up, so maybe go cheaper and get a 5s or a used 6 / 6s just to hold you over?
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