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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 18, 2003
tl;dr I bought an upgrade through iUP, had to send the first one back, and now on the replacement, I'm getting notifications from Notes about changes *I* am making to shared notes from *that very device*, and I'm not getting Steam Guard notifications even though I re-setup Steam Guard to make sure it knows this is my new phone.

Long-winded version: I bought an iPhone 12 Pro using iUP. It was damaged right out of the box, so back it went. (I hadn't noticed the damage before trying to set it up, and in the process of that couldn't get Quick Setup to work, so I had set it up as new to upgrade the OS to try Quick Setup again. So there was an iPhone 12 Pro that was "mine," briefly, but I removed it from iCloud and did a factory reset before returning it, and just put the new SIM into my old phone until my replacement came. I don't know if this part matters.)

Then I got the replacement. Quick Setup didn't work, again, so I did a backup and restore from iTunes on macOS Mojave. Got it up and running. I removed from iCloud and did a factory reset on the old one and sent it back (trade-in for iUP).

So at this point I have one phone, which was restored from a backup from my old phone. It's running iOS 14.2.1.

Well, fast-forward a couple weeks and I'm not getting any notifications of texts from my husband, even though my other devices (iPad and Mac) were. Did a hard reboot, and that seemed to fix it.

In the last few days, I have started getting notifications from Notes about changes *I* make to a note shared with two other people. The first time it happened, I made changes from my Mac, so even though the Mac is signed into hte same iCloud account, I thought maybe it just got confused. Then I got a notification the other day like an hour after I modified the note on my iPhone, and it was about that modification I made. Then last night, I was editing the note and I got a notification *while I was actively editing the note on the iPhone* telling me I made changes to the note.

Today I go to login to Steam and it prompted for a Steam Guard code, and I get zero notification from Steam Guard on my iPhone. I looked at my watch first, and no notification, so I looked at my phone, and none there, either. Last year after I upgraded to my now-traded-in device, I had this problem where I never got a notification for Steam Guard, and I went through this process of forcibly disenrolling my old phone. After that, it worked. So this year I was proactive and did that like the first day, but I'm not getting notifications for it.

If it was just Steam Guard, OK, whatever, Steam Guard is broken. But Notes is acting like it doesn't recognize the device I am actively using is mine and the changes are coming from my account. I'm signed into my iPhone with my one and only Apple account that is used for everything and always has been, going back to my first iPhone 10 years ago. I am signed into all services, as far as I know and can tell.

Any ideas? Sorry this is so long. I'm bad at condensing.


macrumors member
Mar 30, 2011
Yup, Notes does that when editing shared ones. I don't understand why, but it does. I'll be editing a shared Note and I'll get a Banner notification while I'm editing it letting me know about my edit. Weird.

Sorry I can't help with Steam Guard.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 18, 2003
Yup, Notes does that when editing shared ones. I don't understand why, but it does. I'll be editing a shared Note and I'll get a Banner notification while I'm editing it letting me know about my edit. Weird.

Sorry I can't help with Steam Guard.
Right? It's totally bizarre to have the banner in real-time while you're still typing. Did this just start happening to you with iOS 14 or even specifically 14.2? I don't remember this ever happening before the last week or so.


macrumors member
Mar 30, 2011
I actually only noticed it recently, though the apple doc does mention that everyone will receive the notification.

I do wish though that the notification would include Badges which it doesn't. This would make Notes much more useful I think, at least for my workflows.
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