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NoFoo Panda

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 4, 2020
So I am a bit new to this stuff, I apologize ahead of time for my lack of knowledge, but I'm picking it up quickly.
I have a 2012 Mac Pro tower. I recently upgraded it to dual 3.4ghz 6 core (12 core) and fully loaded 128gb ram. I also put in a Sapphire RX 580 8gb. I have an EVO 590 NVMe drive in the PCI slot and it is set for the boot drive. And 2 normal HDD's. I am running the most current release of Mojave 10.14.6

I do a ton of artwork illustration, and video editing. The problem I am having...

When using After Effects, only when using the Preview (hitting the space bar) or during final render in the render queue, I get this high pitched, sustained beeping sound. I am uncertain if it is coming from the GPU, or the CPU. I have a hunch it's the GPU.

I have monitored my heat levels and set up mac fan control to make sure it was not a heat sinc issue. It does not seem as though it is. With the fans on it barely gets over 55 celsius which from my understanding is well within the range.

I have also tried changing every parameter possible for the AE settings. Nothing has made a difference.

Could it be a power issue, drawing too much power while rendering? Playback, video, and all other things I do with the computer are fast and flawless. This seems to be exclusive to rendering and using graphics software.

I would love some help. I have scoured the web, and not found the solution. The very moment, the render is complete, the beep stops. and the moment i stop the preview the beep stops. Otherwise it is sustained. It also starts at random times. It is not clear why or when it is set off.

I'm using the current Adobe suite, so After Effects CC 2020 at the moment. And PremierePro and photoshop all the same. No issues with anything else as I said.

If this was brought up already, my apologies, I didn't find it.

Thank you,

NoFoo Panda

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 4, 2020
Do you have the proper dual mini 6 pin cable powering the gpu?
I do have a dual mini 6 pin connected. I am ordering another one to switch out to test if it is the cable that is bad. But it's strange that it is only during specific duties that it has any issues, which makes me think its not a power issue. But I'm no expert.

NoFoo Panda

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 4, 2020
I deleted the previous comment because I realized I was way off on things. So, When I run the Luxmark benchmark I get interesting results.

1. When running it on the GPU by itself, AMD Radeon RX 580
It runs smooth, no issues. Very fast. It makes it through the entire test no matter the complexity. It passes the stress test no problem.

2. When I run the CPU alone in Luxmark: Intel Xeon x5690 @3.47 (x2)
It fails immediately sighting OpenCL error (-11). I am assuming this is due to it being an older cpu that does not even have OpenCL. Maybe someone can educate me on that.

3. Finally, when I run the test of them together, INSTANTLY I get the high pitched sustained beep. But I cannot tell which it is from. And the test continues to apparently run smoothly.

Note: I will try to run the shortest test possible and add the results after.
So that's where I am with it.

The GPU test result is 2697 on the hotel scene. Everything is OK and in the green.
Last edited:


macrumors 68030
Dec 27, 2015
you may now do as mechanics do.

Hold a screwdriver (or alike) on the ear and make contact to the power supply. Of course do not touch electric components.

If the whining gets audible the psu has coil whining. This is just disturbing but ok. Some psus have this inder full load.


macrumors newbie
Dec 19, 2022
So I am a bit new to this stuff, I apologize ahead of time for my lack of knowledge, but I'm picking it up quickly.
I have a 2012 Mac Pro tower. I recently upgraded it to dual 3.4ghz 6 core (12 core) and fully loaded 128gb ram. I also put in a Sapphire RX 580 8gb. I have an EVO 590 NVMe drive in the PCI slot and it is set for the boot drive. And 2 normal HDD's. I am running the most current release of Mojave 10.14.6

I do a ton of artwork illustration, and video editing. The problem I am having...

When using After Effects, only when using the Preview (hitting the space bar) or during final render in the render queue, I get this high pitched, sustained beeping sound. I am uncertain if it is coming from the GPU, or the CPU. I have a hunch it's the GPU.

I have monitored my heat levels and set up mac fan control to make sure it was not a heat sinc issue. It does not seem as though it is. With the fans on it barely gets over 55 celsius which from my understanding is well within the range.

I have also tried changing every parameter possible for the AE settings. Nothing has made a difference.

Could it be a power issue, drawing too much power while rendering? Playback, video, and all other things I do with the computer are fast and flawless. This seems to be exclusive to rendering and using graphics software.

I would love some help. I have scoured the web, and not found the solution. The very moment, the render is complete, the beep stops. and the moment i stop the preview the beep stops. Otherwise it is sustained. It also starts at random times. It is not clear why or when it is set off.

I'm using the current Adobe suite, so After Effects CC 2020 at the moment. And PremierePro and photoshop all the same. No issues with anything else as I said.

If this was brought up already, my apologies, I didn't find it.

Thank you,
Did you ever find a solution to this problem? I am having this exact same issue, with this same exact pc with this same exact graphics card.
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