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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 28, 2008
I have a jailbroken 1st Generation iphone running on T-mobile

I upgraded to 3.0 last night with Redsn0w and none of my apps will work any more. They all required an update (which I did) and I've rebooted several times and still everything crashes instantly. I've tried reinstalling and even downloading 3.0 apps I did not have prior to the upgrade and they won't work either.

Has anyone had this problem?

did you have the mobileinstallation patch installed so you could run cracked apps? because you need to update that for the one that is used for 3.0
No I did not do that, but I'm referring to standard apps (not jailbroken apps) that won't work. Would that affect the ability to run ANY app?
Here's what I did:

Install 3.0 through itunes
Jailbreak/unlock through Redsn0w
Restore backup
Launch cydia + update essential items
Update app store apps

Tried to launch an app

All iphone apps (other than built in ones maps, stocks, etc.) won't work and exit immediately.
Could the version of the 3.0 firmware cause this problem?

I'm still confused because I haven't read of anyone else having this issue.
Just downloaded the ESPN app and the US Open App from the app store (previously never had either of them)

Then I rebooted my phone and they both exit immediately when I go to launch them.

Any suggestions?
The AppStore's terms & conditions have changed (not necessarily for the better). One needs to agree to them first before one can continue using even the apps one already owns. Just install any free app from AppStore to let the iPhone show you the new terms & conditions, agree to them and then all installed apps will work again. Hurrah! From - seinundzeit
I saw that this morning and I agreed to them and rebooted but it still doesn't work. One thing I haven't tried though is syncing to itunes AFTER I agreed.

I went into settings then "store" to see if there was anything else to click on in there and didn't see anything helpful.

Other than syncing again, any other suggestions?
I got home, synced with itunes.. and still all my apps still crash.

I tried again, shift+restore with the 3.0 firmware, redsn0w, and bingo it was unlocked and I can make calls. I restored from my latest backup, clicked the app store, downloaded a brand new free app, rebooted, and it crashed instantly!!!

If anyone has any other suggestions.... I'd appreciate the help. I'm out of ideas.
Almost got it to work. This time I flashed the firmware and did NOT restore my backup. I went straight to the app store, downloaded a free app, and it worked!

Then I restored my backup and presto... everything crashes again.

??? Any ideas?
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