I have a 1st gen iphone jailbroken and i want to upgrade to the newest firmware. The main thing ive been hearing is pwn tool but im scared to brick my phone. Can someone please help me to upgrade. Also what does it mean when people say 2g and 3g?
but will my phone be unlocked so i can used apps like installer?
im sorry for spaming but ive waited all day but got no help. What i want to do is go to 2.0 not 2.01
You might as well wait until 2.0.2 as its going to be released sometime today anyway.
Im in the exactly same boat as you as im on 1.1.4
What I will be doing is restoring to the full apple 2.0.1 in iTunes then using the guide for 2.0 posted in this very forum i'll be going to 2.0.1.
wait so i could just pwn my iphone to 2.0 if im on 1.14? no need to restore to 1.14 then install 2.0?