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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 21, 2016
Hey folks,

I haven't ever gone from the beta to the official iOS release before. Will the official iOS 10.0 release version be available automatic OTA or will I have to do something manually to upgrade to it?


p.s. I'm on public beta 6 at the moment, will there be any more features added before the official release?


macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
But perhaps you need to remove public beta profile before attempting to OTA. I don't remember clearly. Maybe you don't need to.

Nope you don't need to to install the final release, but as soon as the next beta is available, then you will see that update unless you remove the profile.


macrumors 603
Feb 5, 2009
Regardless of your profiles installed, public releases will always come through on OTA updates.

If the public release is the same build number as the latest 'beta', then your device won't show the OTA update, because it's actually the same as the public release.


macrumors G5
Jun 21, 2013
As to your second question about additional features, its possible, particularly if the new features are introduced as part of the new iPhone. But, then, almost certainly, those features will not work with current gen iPhones (or will be diluted in some way). It's also possible that some features of iOS 10 that have not worked thus far for certain devices, may be activated for those devices on general release (thinking voicemail transcription primarily, but there may be others) .
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