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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 19, 2006
I think I am going to be upgrading to one of two cameras I am looking at. I'd rather not discuss where they are for sale at (both local brick & mortar stores), as they are available in limited quantities. My current camera is an EOS Rebel w/ 18-55mm lens. Here are the two setups I would like to upgrade to:

D70s w/ 18-55mm lens (used)


D50 w/ TWO lenses.. a Tamron 28-80 and a Tamron 70-300 Macro (factory demo)

(Both prices are similar, and I can afford either)

Which one would benefit me most? I like taking nature photography and some macros, which is why I am leaning towards the D50. Are factory demos bad? How different is the D50 and the D70s?



macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
the D50 package definitely gives you more flexibility with lenses. You can always start with the D50 and up to a (future) D90 -- good lenses will last a long time and the mpxl difference will only come into play if you are doing large prints.
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