After reading all the informative posts with regards upgrading the MP CPU, i've embarked on a search to find 2 x Intel Xeon Quad Core X5365. Understandably there's not much in the way of bargains, although there's a used pair going on eBay. Even better is a pair of Harpertown X5470's but am i correct in thinking MP 1,1 can't handle them? If so it's a shame as they are both going for under £500.
Anyway back to the point ;-)
Is it right the highest CPU upgrade i can opt for is the X5365?
After reading all the informative posts with regards upgrading the MP CPU, i've embarked on a search to find 2 x Intel Xeon Quad Core X5365. Understandably there's not much in the way of bargains, although there's a used pair going on eBay. Even better is a pair of Harpertown X5470's but am i correct in thinking MP 1,1 can't handle them? If so it's a shame as they are both going for under £500.
Anyway back to the point ;-)
Is it right the highest CPU upgrade i can opt for is the X5365?