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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 6, 2009
Hiya this is my first post on here so please be patient with me :)

I have the below imac (see sig) and would like to upgrade it from 2gb to 4gb. Whats the best way to do this? i.e what type of Ram do i need to purchase and wheres the best place to get it? (i live in the u.k)

Hope you guys can help .
Thank you
I recommend you to use Crucial. You can't buy wrong RAM and it will ship to your door. If there's Apple Store near you go there and buy it from there (they usually have RAM there but give them a call before you go)
I have the same computer and I just purchased 4 gigs of ram from Crucial. I purchased the 4 gig kit which had 2 each 2 gig modules. The Crucial part number listed on my package CT817145 and the price was $56.00 shipping included.
I suspect the price for Ram at an apple store would be a little more than I would be willing to pay. But by all means compare and purchase your Ram from whomever you feel comfortable with.
+1 for Crucial RAM. I upgraded my core duo MBP from 1 GB --> 2 GB by purchasing two 1 GB sticks and it's been great.
Another vote for Crucial. First upgrade for my IMac 2009: 4 Gb of DDR3. And you can't go wrong with their configurator. Half the cost of apple configurator, also.

PS: VERY fast international shipping.
I have the same imac as the original poster, my question is do I have to buy 4gb to upgrade to 4 gb, or can I buy two and use my existing 2gb. Also, is everyone still recommending Crucial?

I have the same imac as the original poster, my question is do I have to buy 4gb to upgrade to 4 gb, or can I buy two and use my existing 2gb. Also, is everyone still recommending Crucial?


Crucial is definitely a smart choice. as for upgrading, the question is: do you have one 2GB stick or two 1GB sticks in right now? because there are only two RAM slots. to check, go to the Apple menu, About This Mac --> More Info... then go to Memory.

if you have a 2GB stick, all you need is another 2GB stick.

if you have two 1GB sticks, you will need to buy 4GB (two 2GB sticks) as buying only one 2GB stick will result in a max of 3GB when combined with one current 1GB stick...

hope that wasnt confusing:)
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