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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 20, 2011
i have two NSDictionary and i want to upload them to a server. I searched many examples but couldn't understand well. Is there anyone who has code or any good explained tutorial. here how my code looks
let dictInfo :NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary(objects: [MyConstants.theKey, MyConstants.theCommand], forKeys: ["key", "command"])

let theImage = self.imageView1.image!
let imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(theImage, 0.6)
let dictImage : NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary(object: imageData!, forKey: "productImage")

I want to upload dictInfo and the dictImage.
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Do you have an API that accepts an image? There are a variety of ways to upload an image and it depends on what the API expects.
Do you have an API that accepts an image? There are a variety of ways to upload an image and it depends on what the API expects.
Actually the service i am working with that accepts image as form data and beside some more dictionary objects(e.g : name, surname, age etc). I can use that service with Objective C. Now i want to use it with Swift also. I tried something but couldnt create request body. I need help at that point.
Actually the service i am working with that accepts image as form data and beside some more dictionary objects(e.g : name, surname, age etc). I can use that service with Objective C. Now i want to use it with Swift also. I tried something but couldnt create request body. I need help at that point.

You can create a HTTPBody by using NSJSONSerialization and have it spit out NSData for you. But keep in mind that you need to structure your POST Request properly if it holds an image.
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