Hey there all, I have previously looked for some help online about this but haven't found any correct answers.
Basically, I want to upload images I've either taken with my iPhone or ones saved on my phone to forums. How does this work? I would usually use imageshack, but you can't copy and paste on the iphone, so that pretty much smacks that out of the picture. Is there any special site that makes this easier for iphone users, or do I have to upload the images on to my mac, and then to the forums?
Basically, I want to upload images I've either taken with my iPhone or ones saved on my phone to forums. How does this work? I would usually use imageshack, but you can't copy and paste on the iphone, so that pretty much smacks that out of the picture. Is there any special site that makes this easier for iphone users, or do I have to upload the images on to my mac, and then to the forums?