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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 20, 2008
Chandler, Arizona
I’ve been searching internet and forums but unable to find answer to my question. I was given a nice record player/mp3/cd/radio.... player for Christmas. I am able to record my vinyl albums to mp3 format on sd card. I am able to transfer it ot my IPP 12.9 using RAV power file hub. My transferred music is in Documents by Readdle in a seperate folder (labeled vinyl). From here I am trying to upload to Google Play Music to add to my current library there. I have not figured out how to do this. I want them there so I can listen thru my iPhone 7 in my car. I also want to have them downloaded to play in Google app on iPad or phone. I know there are apps that will let me play them on my phone or iPad but i want all my music combined on Google so I don’t have to switch players to listen to different music. I do not have a PC, laptop or any such device. I am working strictly with iPad and iPhone. I have hundreds of vinyl albums, many not available in any other format and I really want to have that music with me. I hope someone can help.
AFAIK the only way to upload to google play music is using a computer via web browser or the google play music manager application. I’ve tried using a browser on my iPad and couldn’t get uploading to work. Not sure if there’s a workaround.
Have you tried chrome browser on your tablet/phone,v and using it in desktop mode? That seems to remedy any issues on mobile pages. Try that out and let me know if it works for you. I have like 30gb or more songs uploaded, and consider GPM the best music player because of this
Have you tried chrome browser on your tablet/phone,v and using it in desktop mode? That seems to remedy any issues on mobile pages. Try that out and let me know if it works for you. I have like 30gb or more songs uploaded, and consider GPM the best music player because of this
Just tried going to "desktop mode" and I opened Google Play, not music, then on the left of the screen I selected music, my music, on next screen I tapped the three bars on top left side and a drop down showed that gave me the "upload music" option. Tapped on it and tried drag and drop, no good. I tapped on upload again and it said I needed to install "music manager". Or course there is no mobile app for that. Very frustrating
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