I’ve been searching internet and forums but unable to find answer to my question. I was given a nice record player/mp3/cd/radio.... player for Christmas. I am able to record my vinyl albums to mp3 format on sd card. I am able to transfer it ot my IPP 12.9 using RAV power file hub. My transferred music is in Documents by Readdle in a seperate folder (labeled vinyl). From here I am trying to upload to Google Play Music to add to my current library there. I have not figured out how to do this. I want them there so I can listen thru my iPhone 7 in my car. I also want to have them downloaded to play in Google app on iPad or phone. I know there are apps that will let me play them on my phone or iPad but i want all my music combined on Google so I don’t have to switch players to listen to different music. I do not have a PC, laptop or any such device. I am working strictly with iPad and iPhone. I have hundreds of vinyl albums, many not available in any other format and I really want to have that music with me. I hope someone can help.