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macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 8, 2005
Cumming, GA
I signed up with UPS for email notification which I have done many times in the past. This time when I signed up I got the first email as I expected. However when I got home a few minutes ago I also saw 2 more emails supposedly from "UPS Manager Erna Deleon <>":


We failed to deliver postal package which was sent on the 10th of January in time
because the recipient’s address is incorrect.
Please print out the invoice copy attached and collect the package at our department.

United Parcel Service of America.

The attachment is a zip file that has a single exe file in it called UPS_Invoice_2845.exe (I opened it on a Mac not a PC) and it is probably a virus or a crude attempt to get your information. The destination email is NOT my email address so I expect it is some sort of a scam. Beware!
I opened it the file and it dled a coupon to pick up my ipad from ups on march 31st !
I've been getting 2 or 3 of these daily for the past 2 weeks. Never even opened one. Always deleted them based on the subject line.
im more surprised that you actually opened the file than the fact that you got that email. I get them almost daily at work.
Hmmm..... speaking of scams. I received a note from what appears to be my credit card company asking me to 'confirm' a recent purchase of a magazine subscription. I'm betting this is also a phishing scam.
The DHL one contains a PC virus and its been going around for years. I'm guessing the UPS one is the same thing. There's also a Facebook one too. All 3 are fairly similar. If you run a virus check on your Macs it will probably pick out the email as suspect.
Here's free tip for you: UPS rebranded few years ago and is no longer called United Parcel Service, strictly UPS.

<----- UPS employee
Probably because I've never had trouble with viruses and use DHL.

Can anyone tell me whether attempting to open the .zip file would cause me trouble on my PowerPC G4 Mac ? It didn't open and then I became suspicious, but probably too late.

Thanks :(

As long as it only contains a PC virus it wont affect you. However I would run some AntiVirus and get rid of it. Even if you don't open the zip the email will be shown to be suspect and the AV will delete it for you.

I run AV at work once a month as not to pass viruses onto PC clients. The DHL and UPS emails are always shown to be infected.
I signed up with UPS for email notification which I have done many times in the past. This time when I signed up I got the first email as I expected. However when I got home a few minutes ago I also saw 2 more emails supposedly from "UPS Manager Erna Deleon <>":

I fell for it the first time myself as like you I was actually waiting for an ebay purchase delivery so clicked on it without even thinking twice that it wasn't legit as that's what DHL and UPS do on a regular basis - fail to deliver.

Think about it, if UPS or DHL's service was as good as they always claim it is, why would these spammers even try the 'failed to deliver' angle to get people to believe them? ;)
I fell for it the first time myself as like you I was actually waiting for an ebay purchase delivery so clicked on it without even thinking twice that it wasn't legit as that's what DHL and UPS do on a regular basis - fail to deliver.

Think about it, if UPS or DHL's service was as good as they always claim it is, why would these spammers even try the 'failed to deliver' angle to get people to believe them? ;)

Cuz people are stoopid? People fall for scams from banks they aren't even a member of these days.
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