Here's the situation ...
I have one unlocked 1G iPhone synched to my laptop. My sister has a iPhone 3G sycnhed to a Windows laptop through iTunes. I have no idea where the contacts on a PC get stored.
She wants to take my unlocked iPhone on a trip to Asia leaving tonight and leave the 3G with me. (I'm here in the States now and don't need the 3G unlocked)
So ... what's my workflow going to be? Setting up her 3G for me shouldn't be an issue. I can attach it to my MBP and resycnh all the info (even if it wipes it) right?
How do I get HER info -- mainly contacts - into my old iPhone. Again, I don't think she has contacts saved anywhere on her PC so I don't think I can hook up my phone and set it up as new ...
Thanks for your help ..
I have one unlocked 1G iPhone synched to my laptop. My sister has a iPhone 3G sycnhed to a Windows laptop through iTunes. I have no idea where the contacts on a PC get stored.
She wants to take my unlocked iPhone on a trip to Asia leaving tonight and leave the 3G with me. (I'm here in the States now and don't need the 3G unlocked)
So ... what's my workflow going to be? Setting up her 3G for me shouldn't be an issue. I can attach it to my MBP and resycnh all the info (even if it wipes it) right?
How do I get HER info -- mainly contacts - into my old iPhone. Again, I don't think she has contacts saved anywhere on her PC so I don't think I can hook up my phone and set it up as new ...
Thanks for your help ..