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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 14, 2008
I was just looking around & for fun i switched on the voice annoucer & now i cant scroll down in settings to switch it off, it just keeps saying things like capital s etc

Its doing my head in!!!! :eek:
I was just looking around & for fun i switched on the voice annoucer & now i cant scroll down in settings to switch it off, it just keeps saying things like capital s etc

Its doing my head in!!!! :eek:

Press Home.
Double-tap Settings.
Double-tap General.
Use three fingers on the screen to scroll to Accessibility.
Double-tap Accessibility.
Double-tap "On" next to VoiceOver to turn it off.
Press Home.
Double-tap Settings.
Double-tap General.
Use three fingers on the screen to scroll to Accessibility.
Double-tap Accessibility.
Double-tap "On" next to VoiceOver to turn it off.

THANK YOU sooooooo much..i was wanting to throw the phone against the wall, it was totally my fault for being to rash & not reading the instructions first but still, it is really annoying & i cant imagine it being much use to people who actually need it, it makes it soo much harder to use!
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