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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 16, 2006
My new Intel iMac is making me headache!!
I'm a recent switcher, but it has already froze dozen times, all I did was installing the Microsoft office 2004 and adobe photoshop CS2, and some updates. Today I wad trying to print something, then it froze again, and I've tried the command+option+escape combination to force quit, but had no response,I will have to hold down the power button to shut it down. Now it freezes on the startup!!

Are there any other way to restart an iMac?
How can I cleanly boot the OS(rebuild desktop,or return to default without destroying all my important files)?

Thanks a bunch for the help
Have you tried the usual items:

Repair Permissions: Finder>Applications>Utilities>Disk Utility>Select Drive>Repair Permissions.

Reset the PRAM: Shut down computer>Restart and hold down CNMD-OPT-P-R during startup until second POST chime is heard, then release.

Run CRON scripts: Finder>Applications>Utilities>Terminal>Open Terminal>Type in "sudo periodic daily weekly monthly" (sans quotes) and quit when finished.

Reset the Firmware: Shut down the computer, and on restart, hold down CMD-OPT-O-F and type in "reset-NVRAM" and then "reset-all" (sans quotes) when prompt line appears.

Make sure you back up.
iGary said:
Have you tried the usual items:

Repair Permissions: Finder>Applications>Utilities>Disk Utility>Select Drive>Repair Permissions.

Reset the PRAM: Shut down computer>Restart and hold down CNMD-OPT-P-R during startup until second POST chime is heard, then release.

Run CRON scripts: Finder>Applications>Utilities>Terminal>Open Terminal>Type in "sudo periodic daily weekly monthly" (sans quotes) and quit when finished.

Reset the Firmware: Shut down the computer, and on restart, hold down CMD-OPT-O-F and type in "reset NVRAM" and then "reset-all" (sans quotes) when prompt line appears.

Make sure you back up.

Thanks a lot!!! that solved the problem.
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